27 private links
Remember the days when faxes were the pinnacle of office tech, and the sound of a paper getting pulled in was as satisfying as a fresh cup of coffee? Well, it's time to dust off those memories and reintroduce ourselves to the quirky world of printers and their forgotten fax interfaces – yes, those relics that make us all feel like we're in an '80ies sci-fi movie – and specifically, how they can unlock a new frontier in printer security exploits!
SQL injections seem to be a solved problem; databases even have built-in support for prepared statements, leaving no room for injections. In this session, we will go a level deeper: instead of attacking the query syntax, we will explore smuggling attacks against database wire protocols, through which remote, unauthenticated attackers can inject entire (No)SQL statements into an application's database connection.
What do you do when you’ve found an arbitrary file delete as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
? Probably just sigh and call it a DoS. Well, no more. In this article, we’ll show you some great techniques for getting much more out of your arbitrary file deletes, arbitrary folder deletes, and other seemingly low-impact filesystem-based exploit primitives.
More and more businesses are moving away from monolithic servers and turning to event-driven microservices powered by cloud function providers like AWS Lambda. So, how do we hack in to a server that only exists for 60 milliseconds?
This talk will show novel attack vectors using cloud event sources, exploitabilities in common server-less patterns and frameworks, abuse of undocumented features in AWS Lambda for persistent malware injection, identifying valuable targets for pilfering, and, of course, how to exfiltrate juicy data out of a secure Virtual Private Cloud.
Ever hear one of those stories where as it unravels, you lean in ever closer and mutter “No way! No way! NO WAY!” This one, as far as infosec stories go, had me leaning and muttering like never before. Here goes:
Last week, someone reached out to me with what they claimed was a Spoutible data breach obtained by exploiting an enumerable API. Just your classic case of putting someone else's username in the URL and getting back data about them, which at first glance I assumed was another scraping situation like we recently saw with Trello. They sent me a file with 207k scraped records and a URL that looked like this...
I run my own Matrix homeserver that I share with friends and family. Ever since I started working for Element back in February of 2020, I've learned a lot more about the Matrix protocol and what's possible to do with it. During a conversation with a few privacy minded friends that use my HS (HomeServer), I pointed out that the admin of a homeserver has a lot of power over their accounts and that they as users explicitly trust the admin. In this post, I want to explore and document the ways a malicious admin can mess with the privacy of a Matrix account. Note: malicious admin in this case can also mean a hacked admin.
Logs are a vital component for maintaining application reliability, performance, and security. They serve as a source of information for developers, security teams, and other stakeholders to understand what has happened or gone wrong within an application. However, logs can also be used to compromise the security of an application by injecting malicious content.
In this presentation, we will explore how ANSI escape sequences can be used to inject, vandalize, and even weaponize logfiles of modern applications. We will revisit old terminal injection research and log tampering techniques from the 80-90s, and combine them with new features to create chaos and mischief in the modern cloud cli's, mobile, and feature-rich DevOps terminal emulators of today....
Recently I came across a puzzling fact: the International Criminal Court hashes electronic evidence with MD5, even though MD5 is badly broken. So, why are lawyers using broken, outdated technology? The answer involves the common law system, cultural isolation, and a single man named Don L. Lewis.
Sometimes, making particular security design decisions can have unexpected consequences. For security-critical software, such as password managers, this can easily lead to catastrophic failure: In this blog post, we show how Bitwarden’s Windows Hello implementation allowed us to remotely steal all credentials from the vault without knowing the password or requiring biometric authentication. When we discovered this during a penetration test it was so unexpected for us that we agreed with our client to publish a blog post about it and tell the story.
Imagine discovering a zero-click attack targeting Apple mobile devices of your colleagues and managing to capture all the stages of the attack. That’s exactly what happened to us! This led to the fixing of four zero-day vulnerabilities and discovering of a previously unknown and highly sophisticated spyware that had been around for years without anyone noticing. We call it Operation Triangulation. We've been teasing this story for almost six months, while thoroughly analyzing every stage of the attack. Now, for the first time, we're ready to tell you all about it. This is the story of the most sophisticated attack chain and spyware ever discovered by Kaspersky.
If your service needs to trust the clients, hold my Big Mac