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In addition to being certified as a Forensic Locksmith and a Safe and Vault Technician, it sometimes surprises people to learn that I am a Life Safety NFPA & ADA Consultant and Fire Door Inspector. "Deviant, do you make a lot of money doing safety inspections like that?" I get asked. The answer is a resounding no. I didn't take this training for the money, however. I learned about fire doors and fire suppression systems so that I can speak knowledgeably about them if I'm using this field as a cover identity during a break-in job.
This presentation is a comprehensive crash course in the field of National Fire Prevention Association knowledge and building codes. The rundown offered will afford you a lot of useful tips, terminology, and insider knowledge that you can rattle off at an unsuspecting employee or guard who is curious as to what you're doing inside of their building.
This presentation will highlight some of the most exciting and shocking methods by which my team and I routinely let ourselves in on physical jobs.
Many organizations are accustomed to being scared at the results of their network scans and digital penetration tests, but seldom do these tests yield outright "surprise" across an entire enterprise. Some servers are unpatched, some software is vulnerable, and networks are often not properly segmented. No huge shocks there. As head of a Physical Penetration team, however, my deliverable day tends to be quite different. With faces agog, executives routinely watch me describe (or show video) of their doors and cabinets popping open in seconds.